Below you will find a list of selected retail stores, where you can order our premium LederGlück products directly off-line.

Your retailer offers a number of advantages that we can’t provide in our online shop:

  • Have a look at our genuine leather samples in all available colors
  • Get personal advice on the most frequently asked questions about our products
  • Check out the look & feel of our leather covers by touching a sample leather cover on an exhibited stroller
  • And the biggest advantage of all: some dealers offer an mounting service so that you can pick up your new stroller after delivery with ready mounted LederGlück handle covers!

This is your chance to get our handcrafted leather handle covers even without online shopping. Use this offer and ask the dealer of you trust!

/// GERMANY ///

If your favorite retailer is not yet listed, please don’t hesitate to show him our website and recommend him to contact us. We will send him samples and all further information for a sales collaboration with our manufactory.

Are you a retailer…?

…and interested in a sales cooperation? We look forward to hearing from you via our contact form. We will be glad to send you a free information package with product and color samples as well as further details regarding a possible cooperation!
